Selling Made Easy

Emerge from lockdown – ahead of the curve!


Have you put moving plans on hold due to COVID-19, but still want to sell once things settle back down? Whether you’re pressing pause because of market uncertainty or simply want to avoid having people come to your house, we can still help you now!


We can remotely market your property online and to our database NOW, completely free of charge so that buyers also making future plans can register their interest. When things come back to normal, your foresight will reward you with a list of interested buyers ready to inspect and compete for your property.


The competition created by the inability of access, together with the likelihood that there will be fewer properties on the market, will be your greatest asset, utilising the negotiation principle of scarcity, potentially leading to a great result for you.


Next steps:

  • After you complete the form below, a member of our sales team will be touch to discuss your property and answer any of your questions
  • Together with some detailed discussions and comprehensive online analysis, we can arrive at the right price for your property
  • While spending so much time at home, it’s the perfect opportunity to make your home absolutely sparkle!
  • Once it’s sparkling, you can spend some time honing your photography skills. Although we can still take the external front photo, we’re happy to provide advice and examples to help you take the interior photos
  • When you email the photos and property details through to our team, we can upload your property to the relevant website portals and other online channels. We will also direct it to our database and social media channels, all remotely and without anyone needing to leave home
  • Potential future buyers will have plenty of time to browse online and can be making their own property plans for when we resume life as we previously knew it. We will handle all enquiries and keep a register of interest in your property


*Note: These listings are a different type of listing, and will be marketed as such. Buyers will be made aware that inspections are not going to be undertaken until the Victorian Government deems these essential again.


Listing this way now does not mean selling now – but it will mean selling as soon as practically possible, and selling for more.


Please complete the form below and a member from our sales team will be in contact to discuss any further details about your property and next steps:



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