The design of your front yard has an enormous bearing on your home’s curb appeal, and we all know how important curb appeal is when it comes to adding value to your home. With a few tweaks, you can ensure that your front yard presents the rest of your home in the best possible light, and catches everyone’s eye that wanders past.


First impressions are so important because a negative first impression can be tough to change. So, you need that all important ‘wow’ factor, that indescribable feeling that someone gets when they come to a house that they truly love. If you have the perfectly landscaped front yard, you’ll give your house that all important ‘wow’ factor.


So, follow these tips and give your front yard the curb appeal makeover it needs to truly shine, and grab attention.


Start with Your Front Door for the Perfect Curb Appeal

Your front door should be a real design piece of your front aspect. You can go for bold colours, patterns or beautiful materials to make it really stand out and be a focal point. Just make sure that the style you go for matches the interior of your home, so people aren’t jarred when they walk inside. You also need to make sure it is in perfect condition, so polish those doorknobs, repair any cracked or peeling paint and clean the glass.


Your Garden Needs a Colour Palette

Your garden will be filled with colours, and like any colour design, it needs a palette that works with the rest of your home. When choosing flowers, opt for colours that work well together. You can either opt for monochromatic designs like various shades of purple or blue or go for different colours that complement each other like yellow and purple. You can even go for full vibrancy by mixing intense reds and pinks.


Keep Your Garden Neat

Overgrown gardens will never be in fashion or improve your curb appeal. Make sure you prune back any wild plants and remove any dead or sick portions. You’ll be amazed at how fresh and healthy your garden will look after a little bit of maintenance. You can also use this opportunity to remove the plants that don’t fit in with your overall theme, or obscure design pieces like pathways and water features.


What are Your Plants Hiding?

Your maintenance should also ensure that your plants aren’t blocking anything significant. A plant blocking your street number or letterbox will give an immediate impression of a messy, overgrown and uncared for front garden.


Your letterbox should also be a design piece in its own right. They can add personality to your home, and even make a statement about the type of house you are trying to create. Just make sure your letterbox is in keeping with the overall style of your home.


Keep Maintenance in Mind

The best landscaping is easy to maintain, so don’t be too concerned with adding fancy flourishes that will end up eating up your weekend. Humans are naturally drawn to order, and function, so unnecessary things are jarring. For example, it’s better to have a well-maintained and healthy lawn, than a series of weedy, overgrown or dead plant beds.


Give it Personality

Or more precisely, your personality. As much as you’re trying to create curb appeal, you don’t want to end up with a lifeless front yard that looks like it’s straight out of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine. People will pick up on the energy you put into your space and they’ll respond to it. You’re the best judge of what works, if you look at your front yard and something just isn’t working, get rid of it.


You Need Balance

Symmetry is an essential feature of all landscaping. Our eyes love symmetry and symmetrical front yards are also easy to piece together. You need to take a focal point, for example, your front door and organise everything else around that. You can use this centre and ensure that both sides are balanced in terms of plants, light fixtures, ornaments and other elements.


Include Some Art

A few well-placed and well-chosen statues and/or garden sculptures can be a quick and cost-effective way to transform your curb appeal completely. Just make sure the art you choose is in keeping with the style of the rest of your home. Modern sculptures will look out of place in front of a Victorian-era cottage.


Do Your Gutters Need an Upgrade?

If you have old, rusty and peeling gutters and downpipes, they could be detracting from the front aspect of your home. Old gutters convey decrepitude, and luckily, they’re very easy to replace. You’ll need a professional to replace copper and metal-based systems, but vinyl gutters can be installed by a novice. And they don’t need any painting.


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   Presented by Everlast Services 


Everlast Services Melbourne is a proudly family owned and operated fencing, landscaping and concreting business.